Remote Viewing

The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing
Paperback Book
Paperback Book
Sounds True eReader (Immediate Access)
Discover a scientific protocol for gathering reliable information across space and time.
Full Description

Is it possible to see across space and time? Even those who accept that humans can reach beyond the conventional five senses typically think of psychics as "special" or "gifted" with unusual abilities. But David Morehouse teaches otherwise, all human beings, including you, have the innate capacity for remote viewing.

David Morehouse was trained by the U.S. government in remote viewing, an exact scientific protocol for tapping the human power to gather information across space and time. In this comprehensive manual, he has taken his military training as an "operational" remote viewer and turned it into a step-by-step training system, one that teaches any serious reader how to unlock their natural abilities and become more than the physical world allows.

Remote Viewing includes more than just a method for gathering information. It is a transformational tool instilling within you the absolute and irrefutable evidence that you are more than human, that you are extraordinarily human. As you gain experience and confidence as a viewer, you will tap into the collective unconscious that connects you to everything and everyone in the universe. Through David Morehouse's training, you will learn to touch the infinite source of life and knowledge that spiritual masters throughout human history have sought.

David Morehouse's superiors in the DIA/CIA called him "the most exceptional candidate ever to have grasped this difficult intelligence collection methodology." What sets him apart as a teacher is his unparalleled ability to present the complexities of remote viewing in an accessible, logical, and artful manner. As more than 23,000 students have already discovered, David Morehouse has set a new and brilliant standard for teaching the scientific protocol of remote viewing.

"You have the ability to do this," Morehouse says. "Something extraordinary is absolutely possible in your life." Now for the first time, he brings you his method for taking your first step into your ultimate potential in a single volume: Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing, which also include a cool-down audio track.David Morehouse has found that this psychoacoustic "pink noise" track is especially effective for helping us enter the brainwave state of relaxed awareness needed for remote viewing.

Format Details
Paperback Book eBook
Contents Paperback Book (424 pages) eBook (424 pages)
Product Code BD01892D BD00887W
ISBN Number 978-1-60407-436-9 978-1-59179-868-2
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David Morehouse

About David Morehouse

Born into a family of career officers, David Morehouse for nearly 20 years steadied himself on an unwavering track of becoming a general in the United States Army. Then, in 1987, a machine gun bullet hit him and, by all accounts, should have killed him instantly. Instead, this experience opened his perception to a new reality, and a new understanding of personal and collective purpose. In his international bestseller Psychic Warrior, he recounts how he was recruited into a top-secret program of the CIA and trained as a Remote Viewer, capable of seeing persons, places, and things distant in space-time to gather information. Today David Morehouse has transformed these techniques into a tool for personal empowerment, enhanced insight, intuitive development, and discernment. Now, in a landmark event, he has created his first practical course in this amazing method: The Remote Viewing Training Course.